Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

When you click add to cart, You can see shipping fee.

Shipping fee is not include Import fee, Custom fee or Taxes.

But don’t worry, please. Sometimes this fee is very expensive and we will support you in part for next order.

LEPINLAND accept 2 payment method:

Paypal – The most popular payment gateway in the world

VTC Pay – You can pay with your Visa card via this payment gateway

LEPIN use 2 method delivery: 

  • FasKimetsu no Yaiba Shipping Line : DHL, FedEx, UPS… – about 2-3 weeks
  • Normal Shipping Line – about 4 weeks

NOTE: As the virus affects, many airlines were stopped so the logistics are slower than normal!

All orders are guaranteed for 180 days.
We use anti virus software so all customer data is kept safe.

We always update tracking number and give your invoice to your email.

The value of the goods on the invoice will be reduced to ensure you will not pay too much taxes and expenses